1. In case of a normal NIPT result: no specific follow up is necessary unless ultrasound examination of the fetus reveals anomalies and further fetal studies might be indicated.
  2. In case of test failure: in a limited number of pregnancies (1 %) NIPT cannot be performed. In that case NIPT can be repeated at no extra cost on a repeat maternal blood sample. If no result is obtained (< 1 % of pregnancies) the total amount you paid to GENDIA is reimbursed.
  3. In case of an abnormal NIPT result: in case of a trisomy of chromosome 21, 18, or 13, the implications will be discussed with you by your physician, midwife of Dr Willems from GENDIA. You can then decide to confirm the NIPT results with amniocentesis or chorionic villus biopsy (CVS), and discuss with the gynecologist whether you want to interrupt the pregnancy.
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